Senin, 13 April 2009

Something You've Blamed

you've found something you blamed outside.
no matter what they said.
no matter how they mad.
it's nutty...
coz u're getting crazy.
where were you, asshole, when she was dying???
where were you when she was crying???
She's hoping a dream but not only dream.
still blaming coz that wall tell not lie.
getting upset coz around finally blocked up.
eyes are blind, ears even deaf but the heart is true.

there's a chess. the black and white, two side of life, get war. the ministry' giving his words. the fort' standing up. horses are running protect. and pawns are eating the opposite...
but the king is a king.
and the king is weak.
he cannot be named without slaves.
he cannot be high without the crown.
he even cannot be without bloody-mary-hood.
but king is king.
they worshiped and followed.
he swore that betrayer will be punished, hanged, and died...
even the weaky king is still a king..

our heart is true, but she keeps the small darkness and keep silent...
you're just driving yours and tempting...
this passionate is pushing yourself coz your heart inside, coz eyes are blind, and ears are deaf too.

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